Sunday, December 27, 2009


Sometimes you just have to stop trying to swim upstream and accept that the current is either going to drown you or exhaust you until you drown yourself. When in this situation, make it easy on yourself.

Practicality can be the best thing you ever engage in. It's easier said than done, but sometimes you just know when you've reached a limit, gone the extra mile, spilled your last glass of milk, etc., and so you feel prepared to finally let go.

The Universe will test you. Life will test you. Be strong, believe in yourself, and maintain discipline. No one, not even yourself, can sabotage you if you do these things. Most importantly, believe in your cause, and believe that something better is coming your way. You can't get out of a shitstorm unless you decide to.

Sometimes the end really does come. Some people will tell you cliches like "nothing lasts forever" and other stupid shit... but I know better. Some cycles are hard to break, some nearly impossible. But... endings really are necessary when you find yourself in a repeating conflict that you can't seem to just take charge of. So take charge. Stop the cycle. End it now.