Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Punctured Male Ego

Men are clueless.  Just to make things clear for you neanderthals, when another member of the female species happens to compliment, or hit on your woman, it could be handled in some simple ways with little repercussions, if you don't allow your self-absorbed-caveman-attitude to take over in less than .0184 seconds.

Now, most ordinary men would probably jump at the opportunity of their beloved being hit on by another chick, but if that's not your style... you know what else works?  A good banging to reinforce that heterosexuality that perhaps too many drinks and a lot of attention from another human being may or may not seem to distort.

At what point does a man realize that his ego is actually the least important in a situation like this?  Perhaps, loser fuckers, the issue is a lot deeper than it seems and your relationship's foundation is overall cracking and descending, shifting with each daily fuckup of yours.

Now, I'm not saying there is a right or wrong way of handling this situation.  But it doesn't take a motherfucking rocket scientist to figure out that blaming or getting pissed at your significant other is the solution.  In fact, it's just the tip of the shit-berg.  I hope you have a nice, heavy duty umbrella for this one.  The shitstorm's just about to start.

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